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Dalian starr's precision mould co., LTD

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Mold manufacturers still look for companies to fly

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Mold manufacturers still look for companies to fly

Data:2017-01-21 00:00 Source: Click:

Mold manufacturers still look for companies to fly

  The processing of the mould in Dalian is to process the inside and outside shape of the blank according to the requirement. For example, the shape of blanking punch processing according to the required shape, according to the blanking die desired shape processing hole, a fastening bolt and pin hole. In addition, according to the shape of the injection mold core for internal and external shape processing, or according to the shape of the cavity shape internal processing. Either die or mold are pre processed standard parts for die design selection. Now, in addition to bolt, pin, guide pin, guide sleeve and other general standards, there are commonly used circular and shaped punch, guide pin, rod and other standard parts. In addition to the development of a number of standard combinations, so that mold standardization to a higher level. The higher the degree of standardization of mold manufacturing, the shorter the processing cycle.

  With the requirements of the mold products more and more sophisticated and complex, the requirements for the accuracy of the mold processing is also getting higher and higher, and now many mold processing accuracy has reached + 1~2 m, will soon be less than + 1 m. In the assembly process, some of the mold parts need to be polished and trimmed. The main contents of the mold assembly is machined mould parts and parts according to the standards of good mold assembly requirements are assembled into a complete mold. After testing, some parts need to be adjusted and trimmed, so that the production of mold parts in line with the requirements of the drawings, and the mold can work normally, the mold processing is completed.


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