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Dalian stamping die What is the technical analysis of manufacturers in the manufacturing process?

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Dalian stamping die What is the technical analysis of manufacturers in the manufacturing process?

Data:2016-05-11 10:42 Source: Click:

Dalian stamping die What is the technical analysis of manufacturers in the manufacturing process?


Shorten the time of die trial of metal forming mould. At present, the main development of hydraulic press high speed test and tensile mechanical press, especially the mold test time on mechanical press can be reduced by 80%, with huge potential savings. The test mode of mechanical press is the development trend of the multi link drawing press, it is equipped with hydraulic NC cushion, with a set of parameters and state memory function. Punch and die of cold extrusion die because of stress situation is different, so the failure form is different, the general punch die is easy to break, easy to crack. The body in the manufacture of progressive die rapid development. The failure forms of cold extrusion punch are broken, wear, upsetting, fatigue fracture and longitudinal crack; failure form of the cold extrusion expansion and wear mainly.

Wear of cold extrusion die is mainly abrasive wear and adhesion wear, wear occurs mainly in the working end of the punch and die wall. The mold surface temperature may make the mold material surface softening, and thus accelerate the process of wear failure. Progressive die combination has been widely used in the United States in the automotive industry, the utility model has the advantages of high productivity, low cost of mould, without shearing, compared with the ladder model used on multi station press, save 30%. Make full use of IT technology development, mold design and manufacturing. Continuously improve the user to press speed, precision, die changing efficiency and other requirements, to promote the development of mold. EDM and wire cutting, makes the mold surface tensile stress and micro crack, causing the surface spalling and cracking. If the internal stress of material after quenching is very high, will re distribution of stress in EDM, caused by mold deformation or cracking. In addition, to provide a reliable information carrier, to realize the remote design and manufacturing and the wide application of network technology. At the same time, the application of virtual manufacturing technology such as IT, will also promote the development of mould industry.

In the automatic with progressive punching die or die processing combination of stator and rotor plate, or applied to the connector, are stamping technology in recent years, as everyone knows, the combination of progressive blanking die began to get more and more widely used in auto body manufacturing, with progressive die directly to the material processing molded parts and drawing parts. The processing of parts is also growing, eliminating the production of multi station press and die set required for tandem plate shear, oil, transportation and other follow-up processes of slab.

Shape of the body and the engine are two key parts of automobile, automobile body mold especially large and medium-sized panel die, the technology intensive, reflects the level of contemporary mold technology, is an important part of automobile body manufacturing technology. The body mold design and manufacturing accounted for about two of the three car development cycle time, become the main restrictive factors of automobile type change. At present, the world's automotive modification - about 48 months, while the United States only 30 months, thanks to the car in the mold industry in the application of the CAD/CAE/CAM technology and the 3D automobile mould structure design software covering parts. The grinding feed rate is too large, insufficient cooling is easy to produce crack grinding and grinding burn, fatigue strength and fracture resistance of lower die.


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